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Building Reads converter and case class at runtime in Play Framework

I have a file that contains the following array of JSON objects:

      "type": "home",
      "number": 1111
      "type": "office",
      "number": 2222
      "type": "mobile",
      "number": 3333

In Play Framework 2.x I would define an implicit Reads converter to read the file and convert it to a Scala structure:

implicit val implicitRead : Reads[MyClass] = (
      (JsPath \ "type").read[String] and
      (JsPath \ "number").read[Int]
)  (MyClass.apply _)

the Scala case class defined as:

case class MyClass (myType: String, myNumber: Int)

and parsing the JSON with:

val json = // file record content    
json.validate[MyClass] match {
  case s: JsSuccess[MyClass] => {
    val myObject: MyClass = s.get
    // do something with myObject
  case e: JsError => {
    // error handling flow

Now, my problem is that I know the structure of the JSON file only at runtime, not at compilation time. Is it possible to build both the implicit Reads converter and the case class at runtime?


  • Use case classes directly with play-json:

    Change the case class to:

    case class MyClass (`type`: String, number: Int)

    Add the json-formatter to the companion object:

    object MyClass {
      implicit val format = Json.format[MyClass]

    The validate function looks now:

    val myClass = // file record content    
    json.validate[Seq[MyClass]] match {
      case JsSuccess(myClasses, _) => myClasses
      case e: JsError =>  // handle error case

    That's all you need. If you are not happy with the parameter names, you can use a Wrapper case class.