Using HL7.FHIR.STU3.Core, I am getting an invalid cast exception when I try and parse an PlanDefinition FHIR file.
Do I need to set the Schema for PlanDefinition file?
string HL7FilePath = string.Format("{0}\\{1}", System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "ANA3.xml");
string HL7FileData = File.ReadAllText(HL7FilePath)
var b = new FhirXmlParser().Parse<Bundle>(HL7FileData);
InValidCastException {"Unable to cast object of type 'Hl7.Fhir.Model.PlanDefinition' to type 'Hl7.Fhir.Model.Bundle'."}
You are trying to parse a PlanDefinition resource into a Bundle object, as the InvalidCastException tells you. If you change the Parse<Bundle>
into Parse<PlanDefinition>
your code should work fine.