I have a little problem to register a user on Keycloak.
I use keycloak-admin-client
let keycloakAdminClient = require('keycloak-admin-client');
When the client tries to create a user, the server says 403 forbidden.
.then((clients) => {
console.log('[newRegistration - keycloakAdminClient] init success');
clients.users.create(environment.KEYCLOAK_REALM, newKeycloakUser)
.then((createdUser) => {
console.log('[newRegistration - keycloakAdminClient - client.users.create] success - createdUser = ' + createdUser);
// findNewUserId(newKeycloakUser.username);
return newKeycloakUser.username;
.catch((err) => {
console.log('[newRegistration - keycloakAdminClient - client.users.create] error - code = ', err);
.catch((err) => {
console.log('[newRegistration - keycloakAdminClient] init error - code = ', err);
console.log('[newRegistration] END');
This is the settings of client:
export const environment = {
production: false,
KEYCLOAK_REALM: 'baulogistik_test',
KEYCLOAK_CLIENTID: 'angular-frontend',
CLIENT_SECRET: '296f7a0f-a0f5-4395-a120-ece8565bbce1'
const clientSettings = {
production: environment.production,
baseUrl: environment.KEYCLOAK_URL,
client_id: environment.KEYCLOAK_CLIENTID,
realmName: environment.KEYCLOAK_REALM,
grant_type: 'client_credentials',
client_secret: environment.CLIENT_SECRET
I can log in with the client via the secret key and get an accessToken
The client has admin role.
Have anybody an advice for me? Thanks!
I got it. You have to add the roles from the realm-management client to your admin role.
After that, a user must have the admin role. Then the clientSettings has to be extended in the Angular app:
Add username and password of your admin user
Modify grant_type to password
const clientSettings = {
production: environment.production,
baseUrl: environment.KEYCLOAK_URL,
client_id: environment.KEYCLOAK_CLIENTID,
realmName: environment.KEYCLOAK_REALM,
grant_type: 'password',//'client_credentials',
username: environment.username,
password: environment.password,
client_secret: environment.CLIENT_SECRET