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Can I get the T-SQL query generated from a LinqDataSource?

I´m using the LinqDataSource to populate a grid. But now I need the SQL query that the LinqDataSource generates, to pass around throught methods (no, I can't modify the methods to not need a SQL query).

Is there a way to obtain the generated SQL query from a instantiated and configured LinqDataSource?


  • Hope this helps.

    using the function below will return a SqlQueryText you can rebuild the query from that object.

    • to get the sql text you can use use the .Text Property
    • to get the passed parameters you can use the .Params property

          public static SqlQueryText GetFullQueryInfo(DataContext dataContext, IQueryable query)
              DbCommand dbCommand = dataContext.GetCommand(query);
              var result = new SqlQueryText();
              result.Text = dbCommand.CommandText;
              int nParams = dbCommand.Parameters.Count;
              result.Params = new ParameterText[nParams];
              for (int j = 0; j < nParams; j++)
                  var param = new ParameterText();
                  DbParameter pInfo = dbCommand.Parameters[j];
                  param.Name = pInfo.ParameterName;
                  param.SqlType = pInfo.DbType.ToString();
                  object paramValue = pInfo.Value;
                  if (paramValue == null)
                      param.Value = null;
                      param.Value = pInfo.Value.ToString();
                  result.Params[j] = param;
              return result;

      here is an example

      var results = db.Medias.Where(somepredicatehere); ClassThatHasThisMethod.GetFullQueryInfo(yourdatacontexthere, results);


    Sorry forgot to include the SqlQueryText data structures

    public struct SqlQueryText
        public ParameterText[] Params;
        public string Text;
    public struct ParameterText
        public string Name;
        public string SqlType;
        public string Value;