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DLL error at Publishing nopcommerce 3.80 fresh code

I've download nopCommerce 3.80 fresh code from github and publishing it from Visual Studio 2017 framework and I'm getting DLL related error.

Here are error messages.

------ Build started: Project: Nop.Services, Configuration: Release Any CPU

SGEN : error : Could not load file or assembly ..\nopCommerce_3.80_Source\packages\EPPlus.4.1.0\lib\net40\EPPlus.dll' or one of its dependencies. Operation is not supported. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131515)

Build started: Project: Nop.Web.Framework, Configuration: Release Any CPU

CSC : error CS0006: Metadata file '..\nopCommerce_3.80_Source\Libraries\Nop.Services\bin\Release\Nop.Services.dll' could not be found

------ Build started: Project: Nop.Web, Configuration: Release Any CPU

CSC : error CS0006: Metadata file '..\nopCommerce_3.80_Source\Presentation\Nop.Web.Framework\bin\Release\Nop.Web.Framework.dll' could not be found 4>------ Skipped Publish: Project Nop.Web, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------**

Solution is successfully building in debug and build mode.

What can be wrong with DLL at publish time?


  • I get the solution by unblocking the error dll file by right click of that dll in their properties option.