I've been working on an android game for awhile now. I have the basic game implemented so now I'm going back and trying to optimize. It seems like the battery drain and CPU usage are too high for what I'm doing. I really only have my main thread and then all the drawing and updating is done on a separate thread.
Below is the code for the actual game thread that does updating and all the drawing. All of the actual code has been removed, what's left is what I've been experimenting with to figure out the abnormal CPU usage/battery drain.
So basically if I start the below thread with only an infinite while loop the app uses about 315mAh or about 9% of my phones battery in 30 minutes of use. If I start the thread with no code inside the run method so that it expires after one run through it uses roughly 70mAh or 2% of the phone battery in the same amount of time. The CPU usage also jumps from 2%-3% without the thread running to about 14%-15% when the thread running and just running the infinite loop.
To summarize it seems like running the thread with only an infinite while loop, that does nothing, increases the battery usage by 7% over 30 minutes. I don't see how this is possible and think I must be missing something. I'll keep working to figure this out but there's no more code to take out. If anyone has any suggestions or can provide some insight as to why this is happening I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance.
class InnerThread extends Thread
public InnerThread()
public void run()
Loops with no delay or pacing are notorious for hogging CPU and battery. Think carefully about whether you really need to be processing continuously, or if once per frame, once per arbitrary time interval, or once each time some external event occurs would be sufficient. Try adding a small arbitrary delay in the loop, and you'll probably see an immediate improvement.
Many games use a main game loop. That's a searchable term. Basically, an endless loop performs some computations, draws a frame, then usually sleeps for some time. (See SystemClock.sleep() vs. Thread.sleep().) Your main loop could pass a frame number and timestamp to the rest of your code. You might compute the positions of moving objects every frame, but you could do more complex things like update the AI of your enemies only at certain intervals of time or frames. If you use a game engine like Unity, the main loop is still there, but you don't write it yourself. You just write the code that it calls every frame.