I am a newbie to testing field. I know that test cases are the conditions to fulfil any client requirements i.e. the test conditions we need to fulfil the requirements. I need some idea how to formally write a test case. Can anyone give me any idea of writing the test cases.
Assume an example of login page. i want to write the test case for a login screen. Please provide a pattern to do so.
Any other example is also favourable.
BDD approach is also nice way to express behavior. Simple Given-When-Then lets you structure your idea.
For example:
Scenario: Login as Admin Given: Login Page is loaded And loginInput field is present And loginPassword secure filed is present And locinSubmit button is present When: User puts adminLoginName into loginName field And User puts adminLoginPassword in loginPassword secure field And User clicks loginSubmit button Then: LoginPage is closed And MainPage is loaded And AdminPanel is visible