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How to make the callback example run in bash?

I had read a discussion on bash's callback,jlliagre post an amazing example.
callback example posted by jlliagre
Recite the main points here.
1.Create callback-example and run it on terminal with ./callback-example.

myCallback() {
    echo "I've been called at $(date +%Y%m%dT%H%M%S)"
# Set the handler
trap myCallback SIGUSR1
# Main loop. Does nothing useful, essentially waits
while true; do
    read foo

2.On another terminal, send the USR1 signal to the shell process.

$ pkill -USR1 callback-example

The author say :Each signal sent should trigger the display of lines like these ones in the first terminal:

I've been called at 20180925T003515
I've been called at 20180925T003517

I found that it never happen in my bash,how to fix it and run in bash?


  • Your script appears in the process list as /bin/bash ./callback-example and not only as ./callback-example.

    Add option -f to your pkill command.

    From man pkill:

    -f: The pattern is normally only matched against the process name. When -f is set, the full command line is used.