Prior to version 1.0 beta, I customized the clarity theme and it looks perfect. However, when I upgraded to the current beta version 1.0, I noticed that some data grid component parts like cell headers and pagination controls are a bit off. Below shows how I generate SCSS themes for light & dark mode using clarity's built-in SCSS files. The SCSS imports below doesn't have any custom theme so it should generate clarity's built-in theme. My goal here's to have a pre-generated css that I can load dynamically when switching themes. Again, the issue here is that the data grid footer and cell headers are off. Is there something I'm missing?
@import "node_modules/@clr/ui/src/utils/bootstrap/bootstrap";
@import 'node_modules/@clr/ui/src/utils/dependencies.clarity';
@import 'node_modules/@clr/ui/src/utils/components.clarity';
@import "node_modules/@clr/ui/src/utils/bootstrap/bootstrap";
@import 'node_modules/@clr/ui/src/dark-theme';
I think I just solved this issue. I need to prefix the generated css using postcss cli. Now, it looks neat.