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Create a test web application replay to test and also to warm up a server

I would like to record a step through of a web application, and then replay this for testing. However it would be brilliant if this could be replayed say on a VM every so often to emulate a user to warm up a server.

JMeter, Katalon and Selenium have come up.


I have been playing with Katalon Studio and I'm very impressed with it in recording tests and replaying in a browser. This seems more about functional testing, ie do all the pages work. JMeter is about Load Testing. So different tools. However being able to export JMeter (JMX) files from Katalon would be fab, but I haven't heard it is possible.


  • JMeter can/is used also for functional testing and have selenium integration

    Can JMeter and Selenium collaborate?

    Yes. There are various situations where both tools can sync on the same testing application.

    You can follow JMeter's recording steps to compare with katalon recording