I'm working on a mobile app with React-Native and I need to implement a new component.
The exemple :
So, my question is, how can i add this shadow / blur image on my component ?
I know how to make a blur on an image but how can i do this effect?
so,basically you work with two images, opacity, blurRadius and position absolute.
try :
<View style={{elevation:12, position:'absolute', left:100, top:100, elevation:12, borderRadius:50, borderWidth: 1, borderColor:'rgba(255, 255, 2555, 0.4)', overflow: 'hidden', opacity:0.3}}>
<Image blurRadius={10} style={{width:300, height:150}} source={{uri:'https://image.shutterstock.com/image-photo/beautiful-garden-flowers-450w-257560639.jpg'}} />
<View style={{position:'absolute', left:95, top:90, borderRadius:50, borderWidth: 0, borderColor:'rgba(255, 255, 2555, 0.4)', overflow: 'hidden'}}>
<Image style={{width:300, height:150, }} source={{uri:'https://image.shutterstock.com/image-photo/beautiful-garden-flowers-450w-257560639.jpg'}} />