I have a directory with a few million images randomly placed inside other subdirectories. I want to generate webp images for all jpg images by appending the webp extension, leaving alone other formats such as gif images.
I can run the command below on ubuntu 18 to generate all the webp images I want, consisting of the file name with .webp suffix appended to it:
find /home/photos -type f \( -iname \*.jpg -o -iname \*.jpeg \) | parallel -eta cwebp {} -o {}.webp
However, in time I'll add other jpg images to some other subdirectories and I want to run the same command again, only for the new jpg images that have no .webp suffix equivalent.
If I have:
-- 1.png
-- 1.gif
-- 2.jpg
-- 2.jpg.webp
-- 3.jpg
-- subdir/4.jpg
-- subdir/5.jpg
-- subdir/5.jpg.webp
How do I find, 3.jpg
and subdir/4.jpg
only? (the ones without a webp version)
Furthermore, searching by time is not possible because the new photos may have an older modification time than the last run.
You could test for existence of the output file within parallel
and only create it if it doesn't exist like this:
find . -iname \*.jpg | parallel -eta 'out={}.webp; [ ! -f "$out" ] && cwebp {} -o "$out"'
Or, exactly the same, but trying harder to be less negative in my outlook:
find . -iname \*.jpg | parallel -eta 'out={}.webp; [ -f "$out" ] || cwebp {} -o "$out"'