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ELM update two fields in model

How can i update two fields in model at once? Now i have request that return me an alias with {price: Float, productId: Int} I need to update two fields in model like model.price and model.productId

I looking for something like that, but its not work (ofc)

    case maybeProduct of
        Just product ->
       ( { model | price = product.price && 
           model | productId = product.productId}
            , Cmd.none
        Nothing ->
            ( model
               , Cmd.none

I found some info where advice that I can create two functions (Model -> Product -> Model) and do something like:

setPrice : Model -> Product -> Model
setPrice model product =
    { model | price = product.price }

setProductId : Model -> Product -> Model
setProductId model product =
    { model | companyId = product.productId }

                Just product ->
                            newModel =
                                    |> setPrice model
                                    |> setProductId model
                        ( newModel
                        , Cmd.none
                    Nothing ->
                        ( model
                           , Cmd.none

but something dont work. It looks like product dont passing in each function

i recieve

The argument is:


But (|>) is piping it a function that expects:

{ companyId : Int, price : Float }

Where i mistake? Or maybe there is different way to update two fields in model?


  • How to update two fields at once:

    Do something like this (this excludes commands by the way - you can add that in to suit your requirements):

    { model | price = new_price, productId = newProductId}

    If you want to add Commands then you can do this:

    ({ model | price = new_price, productId = newProductId}, nameOfYourCommand)


    Here is a link that @JackLeow very kindly posted: