What is wrong here? This works:
iris %>%
filter(Species == "setosa") %>%
summarise(msl = mean(Sepal.Length), msw = mean(Petal.Width))
and produces:
msl msw
1 5.006 0.246
But this function doesn't work:
means <- function(data, value){
data <- enquo(data)
value <- enquo(value)
data %>%
filter(Species == !!value) %>%
summarise(msl = mean(Sepal.Length), msw = mean(Petal.Width))
and means(iris, "setosa")
produces this error:
Error in UseMethod("filter_") : no applicable method for 'filter_' applied to an object of class "c('quosure', 'formula')" Called from: filter_(.data, .dots = compat_as_lazy_dots(...))
The error message is pretty straightforward, you can't filter a quosure. I don't know why you are enquo'ing your data, but this will get you what you want:
means <- function(data, value){
value <- enquo(value)
data %>%
filter(Species == !!value) %>%
summarise(msl = mean(Sepal.Length), msw = mean(Petal.Width))