I was trying to train the Chat Bot built with rasa using the snippet
and got the following error. I Know its not rasa_core error but something related to keras probably.
rasa_core/policies/keras_policy.py", line 177, in train
TypeError: fit() got multiple values for keyword argument 'batch_size'
I am new to bot building and never done in deep learning Project before that.Using following dependencies rasa_core==0.12.x keras==2.1.6
I had the same error and after several search I did find a solution. It is not the best solution but it can help!
Go to rasa_core\rasa_core\policies\keras_policy.py in lines 172-177 and delete epochs and batch_size arguemnts from model.fit. Change this:
params = self._get_valid_params(self.model.fit, **kwargs)
self.model.fit(shuffled_X, shuffled_y,
epochs=self.epochs, batch_size=self.batch_size,
to this :
params = self._get_valid_params(self.model.fit, **kwargs)
self.model.fit(shuffled_X, shuffled_y,**params)
Then you can pass epochos and batch_size arguments in agent.train()
I hope it will help!