I was learning Mongo DB and in that i have following doubt. Please help
I have a class like following example
public class NoteUser
private int userid{get;set;}
private List<notes> notes{get;set;}
And now i have a context class to read from the database. And i also have one repository class to read the values from this context class, and this class have the functions like following
private bool DeleteNoteByUserId(int userId, int noteId)
//Here i need to delete the note which having id as noteId for user
//who having the id as userId
private bool UpdateNoteByUserId(int userId, int noteId, Note objNote)
//Here i need to perform update the note with objNote which having id as
//noteId for user who having the id as userId
How do i code it using MongoDBDriver in my repository class?
To delete a note (nested object) you have to use $pull operator and specify filtering condition. In C# you can use following code:
var filter = Builders<NoteUser>.Filter.Eq(x => x.userid, userId);
var update = Builders<NoteUser>.Update.PullFilter(f => f.notes, p => p.noteid == noteId);
Col.UpdateOne(filter, update);
To update nested object you can use $ positional operator and specify all properties. Value -1
represents the note that is matched by filter part.
var filter = Builders<NoteUser>.Filter.And(Builders<NoteUser>.Filter.Eq(x => x.userid, userId),
Builders<NoteUser>.Filter.ElemMatch(x => x.notes, f => f.noteid == noteId));
var update = Builders<NoteUser>.Update.Combine(
Builders<NoteUser>.Update.Set(user => user.notes[-1].firstProp, note.firstProp),
Builders<NoteUser>.Update.Set(user => user.notes[-1].another, note.another));
Col.UpdateOne(filter, update);