Search code examples

Remove all child nodes from the parent except one specific, an xml in c #

This is Xml

      ...other equal lines

I have to remove all child nodes from every row node except for the WarehouseCode node I tried this method but obviously I'm wrong and nothing changes:

    XDocument xdoc = XmlHelper.LoadXDocFromString(xmlOITM);
XElement magaRow = xdoc.Root.Descendants(Constants.Articoli.ART_MAGA_NODES).FirstOrDefault();//ItemWarehouseInfo node
List<XElement> row = magaRow.Elements().ToList();//row node
foreach(XElement child in row.Elements())
    if (child.Name != "WarehouseCode")

This is the final result that I expect:

      ...other equal lines


  • doc.Descendants("row")
       .Where(e => e.Name != "WarehouseCode")


    • doc.Descendants("row") - Finds all row elements no matter how deep they are.

    • Elements() - Gets all immediate children elements

    • Where() - Gets all elements whose name is not WarehouseCode

    • Remove() - Deletes all found elements