I am trying to convert a list of gene names to entrez gene IDs.
for now i have this:
>ensembl <- useMart("ensembl", dataset = "hsapiens_gene_ensembl")
>mapping <- getBM(attributes=c('ensembl_gene_id','ensembl_transcript_id',
'entrezgene', 'hgnc_symbol'),mart = ensembl)
This creates a table with the entrez gene IDs and names. However how can I filter out the IDs based on my gene list?
This is an example of the gene names list: Gene names
It is just an excel files with couple of hundred gene names in total.
Hopefully someone could help me!
Create a vector of gene names:
mygenes <- c("TNF", "IL6", "IL1B", "IL10", "CRP", "TGFB1", "CXCL8")
hsmart <- useMart(dataset = "hsapiens_gene_ensembl", biomart = "ensembl")
# Object of class 'Mart':
# Using the ENSEMBL_MART_ENSEMBL BioMart database
# Using the hsapiens_gene_ensembl dataset
To do this, you don't need to convert whole database into the table of corresponding ids. Using filter = "hgns_symbol"
as parameter for your getBM()
call, will subset database by gene names you've provided as a values
argument of getBM()
mapping <- getBM(
attributes = c('ensembl_gene_id', 'ensembl_transcript_id', 'entrezgene', 'hgnc_symbol'),
filters = 'hgnc_symbol',
values = mygenes,
mart = hsmart
Which give you 43 records for your genes:
mapping %>%
arrange(hgnc_symbol, ensembl_gene_id, ensembl_transcript_id, entrezgene)
# ensembl_gene_id ensembl_transcript_id entrezgene hgnc_symbol
#1 ENSG00000132693 ENST00000255030 1401 CRP
#2 ENSG00000132693 ENST00000368110 1401 CRP
#3 ENSG00000132693 ENST00000368111 1401 CRP
#4 ENSG00000132693 ENST00000368112 1401 CRP
#5 ENSG00000132693 ENST00000437342 1401 CRP
# ............................................................
#39 ENSG00000228321 ENST00000412275 7124 TNF
#40 ENSG00000228849 ENST00000420425 7124 TNF
#41 ENSG00000228978 ENST00000445232 7124 TNF
#42 ENSG00000230108 ENST00000443707 7124 TNF
#43 ENSG00000232810 ENST00000449264 7124 TNF