I have mongo db collection which stores the JSON. By mistakenly, one element value was updated wrong in all records of a collection.
How i will update the particular element ?
My json is like
value: "12345678903333.444"
here the value property value should be long field, value will be replaced by
"value": 1234567890
value should be trimmed as first 10 character of existing value.
You can use $substr operator with $toDouble to convert string to number and then redirect aggregation results into the same collection using $out (which will basically update all its documents), Try in Mongo shell:
$addFields: {
"status.value": { $toDouble: { $substr: [ "$status.value", 0, 10 ] } }
$out: "col"
Or in C# code:
var addFieldsBody = "{ $addFields: { \"status.value\": { $toDouble: { $substr: [ \"$status.value\", 0, 10 ] } } } }";