will give me list of struct key with comma delimited. Now I need to get struct value with comma delimited. Right now this is what I'm doing to get value
<cfloop collection="#form#" item="key" >
How can I get list of value from struct without loop? Thanks in advance.
I go through your problem. As per my knowledge is not possible to get list of value in structure within single functions. We have to loop the key and get the value of each. But I can give a solution for to get struct value with comma delimited.
<cfset strNew = {"a":"10","b":20,"c":30}>
Here strNew is my sample structure.
<cfset myList = ''>
<cfloop collection="#strNew#" item="key" >
<cfset myList = listappend(myList,structfind(strNew,key))>
<cfdump var="#myList#" />
Here I've loop over the structure keys and find the value of an particular key and append that in to and list by using listappend and structfind functions.
So you no need to put like #structure[key]#,In your end of comma(,) is also added the last value of key too. For example your code should return 10,20,30,.
So you no need to do like that. use structfind and listappend you can avoid end of the comma also. Hope it's help you.