I am trying to get data-id
from a tree form generated with a JsTree (checkbox form) but it's not working. I am using $.each()
, because you can check more checkboxes. This is how my script looks like:
$(document).ready(function() {
$(".js-save-button").on('click', function(){
let boxes = check_checkboxes();
function check_checkboxes(){
let boxes_id = [];
let boxes = $(".js-categories-checkboxtree").jstree("get_checked", true);
$.each(boxes, function() {
//let id = jQuery(this); //getting info
//let id = (data.node.id); //not working
let id = $(this).data('id'); //not working
return boxes_id;
I can simply get this (but it returns not what I need I can just verify that I have the right element in this
let id = $(this).attr('id');
But I can't get this (it returns null)
let id = $(this).data('id');
I tried to just alert everything I know about the element:
let id = jQuery(this)
and I can see there is a plenty of data attributes but I can't get any of them... Any ideas please?
So I have finally found a sollution! It's actually simple! You have to access these data
with .map()
Like this:
$(".js-save-product").on('click', function(){
let boxes = check_checkboxes();
function check_checkboxes(){
let boxes_id = [];
let boxes = $('.js-categories-checkboxtree').jstree('get_checked', true)
$.each(boxes, function() {
let id = $(this).map(function() { return this.data.id }).get().join();
return boxes_id;