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XSLT How to select node attribute value with xsl:for-each and xsl:if

I have an XML file to render with XSLT 1.0.

My cas is the following :

If value of longName is "Oui_Combi"

$Publication = prodDate value (21.11.2018)


$Publication = productionDates value (17.11.2018, 21.11.2018)

I'm not sur my syntax is correct on the for-each and/or on the xsl-if

XML file :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Manuscript dateAndTime="2018-11-16T10:20:59.177+01:00" renderEPS="" forMediation="false">
        <OrderHeader productionDates="17.11.2018, 21.11.2018">
            <Criterion name="TypePublicity" ordering="1">
                TypePubOccasionnel <ValueParameter longName="Occasionnel"/>
            <Criterion name="JuraCombi" ordering="2">
                Oui_Combi <ValueParameter longName="Oui_Combi"/>
        <FirstIssueData prodDate="21.11.2018"></FirstIssueData>
    </Order>            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

XSL part where I create my variable :

  <xsl:for-each select="Order/OrderHeader/Criterion">
    <xsl:if test="@name = 'JuraCombi'">

        <xsl:if test="ValueParameter/@longName = 'Oui_Combi'">
            <xsl:variable name="JuraCombi">
            <xsl:variable name="Publication">
                <xsl:value-of select="/Order/FirstIssueData/@prodDate" />

        <xsl:if test="ValueParameter/@longName != 'Oui_Combi'">
            <xsl:variable name="JuraCombi">
            <xsl:variable name="Publication">
                <xsl:value-of select="/Order/OrderHeader/@productionDates" />



The XSL part where I want to print my variable $Publication :

<xsl:template match="OrderHeader">
        <fo:table-column column-width="30mm"/>
        <fo:table-column column-width="60mm"/>
        <fo:table-column column-width="30mm"/>
        <fo:table-column column-width="60mm"/>


                    <fo:block padding="0.5cm">
                <fo:table-cell number-columns-spanned="3">
                    <fo:block padding="0.5cm">
                        <xsl:copy-of select="$Publication" />
                    </fo:block>              ^^^^^^^^^^^^



Maybe we can achieve it without for-each?

Not any online XSLT tool/checker can get me the detailled error but the rendering stops!

Thanks for help


  • The scope of an XSLT variable is limited to the element that contains the xsl:variable and it applies only to expressions that occur after the xsl:variable. I.e., "the binding is visible for all following siblings and their descendants" as it says in the XSLT 1.0 spec (see

    So your variables are out of scope outside of the xsl:if in which they are declared.

    The thing to do is to turn your logic inside-out and put the conditional logic inside each xsl:variable element. Something like (untested):

    <xsl:variable name="JuraCombi">
        <xsl:when test="ValueParameter/@longName = 'Oui_Combi'">OUI</xsl:when>
    <xsl:variable name="Publication">
        <xsl:when test="ValueParameter/@longName = 'Oui_Combi'">
          <xsl:value-of select="/Manuscript/Order/FirstIssueData/@prodDate" />
          <xsl:value-of select="../@productionDates" />

    Note that your XPath to select @prodDate would not select anything. It needs the /Manuscript step because Manuscript is the document element.

    It's not clear how your code for declaring the variables relates to the template that creates the fo:table. For the variable values to be able to apply, you'd need to have the xsl:apply-templates that selects OrderHeader to be within the scope of the variables' declarations, and you'd need to pass the variables' values to the template using xsl:with-param and xsl:param. See

    I'm not sure that I know what you mean in your comment, so this is the best solution that I can intuit:

    <xsl:template match="Order">
      <xsl:variable name="JuraCombi">
          <xsl:when test="OrderHeader/Criterion[@name = 'JuraCombi']/ValueParameter/@longName = 'Oui_Combi'">OUI</xsl:when>
      <xsl:variable name="Publication">
          <xsl:when test="$JuraCombi = 'OUI'">
            <xsl:value-of select="FirstIssueData/@prodDate" />
            <xsl:value-of select="OrderHeader/@productionDates" />
        <fo:table-column column-width="30mm"/>
        <fo:table-column column-width="60mm"/>
        <fo:table-column column-width="30mm"/>
        <fo:table-column column-width="60mm"/>
              <fo:block padding="0.5cm">
            <fo:table-cell number-columns-spanned="3">
              <fo:block padding="0.5cm">
                <xsl:copy-of select="$Publication" />