Search code examples

Use pandas.shift() within a group

I have a dataframe with panel data, let's say it's time series for 100 different objects:

object  period  value 
1       1       24
1       2       67
1       1000    56
2       1       59
2       2       46
2       1000    64
3       1       54
100     1       451
100     2       153
100     1000    21

I want to add a new column prev_value that will store previous value for each object:

object  period  value  prev_value
1       1       24     nan
1       2       67     24
1       99      445    1243
1       1000    56     445
2       1       59     nan
2       2       46     59
2       1000    64     784
3       1       54     nan
100     1       451    nan
100     2       153    451
100     1000    21     1121

Can I use .shift() and .groupby() somehow to do that?


  • Pandas' grouped objects have a groupby.DataFrameGroupBy.shift method, which will shift a specified column in each group n periods, just like the regular dataframe's shift method:

    df['prev_value'] = df.groupby('object')['value'].shift()

    For the following example dataframe:

         object  period  value
    0       1       1     24
    1       1       2     67
    2       1       4     89
    3       2       4      5
    4       2      23     23

    The result would be:

         object  period  value  prev_value
    0       1       1     24         NaN
    1       1       2     67        24.0
    2       1       4     89        67.0
    3       2       4      5         NaN
    4       2      23     23         5.0