Seems easy enough, referencing this question im trying to update the admin-command
What i've tried: uninstalling the package altogether, and installing it fresh by:
wp package uninstall wp-cli/admin-command
installing the package:
wp package install wp-cli/admin-command
after this i ran wp package list
to see which version was installed
wp-cli/admin-command -> dev-master
PS > wp admin --path="some/wp/install" still shows
'xdg-open' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
@schlessera advised me in this comment to install the tagged version 2.0.0, 'I just tagged the release. Make sure you get the v2.0.0 tagged release, not some previous version.'
How do i do that?
wp package install "wp-cli/admin-command:^2"
You can add version requirements after the packagename devided by a ':'