I have to use an API to make a call to a third party, and ideally use the response it returns. The API has a built-in 30 second timeout, and does not allow you to set that programatically. I need it to time out in 12 seconds. Here's the call I'm making:
string response = theAPI.FunctionA(a, b, c, d);
I've been thinking I might need to use async calls to accomplish this and abort the thread at 12 seconds. Another stackoverflow question appears to come close to what I'm considering: Implement C# Generic Timeout
...I'm just wondering if this is the best way. Specifically, I keep seeing articles that warn you to call EndInvoke no matter what, and I'm wondering if Abort as in the referenced example will still close the thread appropriately? I see there were some comments with much concern about using Abort.
Aborting threads is generally a bad idea. Why not just let the call complete (or time out after 30 seconds) but ignore the result (and move on) if it takes more than 12 seconds?