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Parallel.ForEach() yields no result

I am trying to query a mongo-db parallely using Parallel.ForEach() but I am not getting any results. But when I try to run the same thing in regular foreach loop I am able to perform the expected tasks.

var exceptions = new ConcurrentQueue<Exception>();
var secondaryObjectsDictionaryCollection = new Dictionary<string, List<JObject>>();

// This works
foreach(var info in infos)
        name = await commonValidator.ValidateAsync(name);
        await commonValidator.ValidateIdAsync(name, id);
        var list = await helper.ListRelatedObjectsAsync(name, id, info, false);

        secondaryObjectsDictionaryCollection.Add(info.PrimaryId, secondaryObjectsList.ToList());
    catch (Exception ex)

//This does not
Parallel.ForEach(infos, async info =>
        name = await commonValidator.ValidateAsync(name);
        await commonValidator.ValidateIdAsync(name, id);
        var list = await helper.ListRelatedObjectsAsync(name, id, info, false);

        secondaryObjectsDictionaryCollection.Add(info.PrimaryId, secondaryObjectsList.ToList());
    catch (Exception ex)

I want to perform this task in parallel only since different mongodb collections are involved and also to reduce the response time.

I am not able to figure out what's getting wrong in my parallel loop. Any other approach to perform these tasks in parallel will also work.


  • Lets take a look at more simple example that illustrates same problems

    You have code similar to this

    var results = new Dictionary<int, int>();
    Parallel.ForEach(Enumerable.Range(0, 5), async index =>
      var result = await DoAsyncJob(index);
      results.TryAdd(index, result);

    Your code doesn't run because expression

    async index => {...}

    returns Task that is not awaited

    like this

    Parallel.ForEach(Enumerable.Range(0, 5), index => new Task());

    By the way, when you work with multithreading like in your example you should use ConcurrentDictionary instead of Dictionary, when you make parallel updates to avoid errors and deadlocks

    Best solution here not to use Parallel loop, but instead use Task.WhenAll

    var tasks = Enumerable.Range(0, 5).Select(async index =>
      var result = await DoAsyncJob(index);
      results.TryAdd(index, result);
    await Task.WhenAll(tasks);