Say I have a namespace like so:
export namespace Foo1 {
export namespace Foo2 {
export namespace Foo3 {
export interface Foo4 {}
export interface Foo5 {}
in a .ts file I have something like this:
import {Foo1} from './foo';
const bar1 = function(){
type t = Foo1.Foo2.Foo3.Foo4;
const bar2 = function(){
type t = Foo1.Foo2.Foo3.Foo5;
this can get kinda verbose, I am looking to do something like this instead:
import {Foo1} from './foo';
type Foo3 = Foo1.Foo2.Foo3; // <<< this don't work, I get an error explained below
const bar1 = function(){
type t = Foo3.Foo4;
const bar2 = function(){
type t = Foo3.Foo5;
but I can't seem to store a reference to a namespace, I can only store a reference to a type? (The error I get is that namespace Foo2 has no exported member Foo3).
I tried it like this and it works
namespace Shapes {
export namespace Polygons {
export namespace Square {
export interface Foo4 {}
export namespace Triangle {
export interface Foo5 {}
import polygons = Shapes.Polygons;
type myType = polygons.Square.Foo4;
export class myClass implements polygons.Square.Foo4{
myFoo4 = 'Foo4';
const myFooInstance = new myClass();