I'm using Select2 v4 and I have the object initialized:
<select class="form-control" name="categories[]" multiple="multiple" id="cat_select">
@foreach ($categories as $c)
<option value="{{$c->id}}">{{$c->title}}</option>
I already have it initiliased with default values that can be selected manually by the user. I have an ajax function that returns categories already initialised in the select. I want the returned data to be set in the select but it's not working. So for example the select already have option "sports", and from the ajax it returns "sports". I want "sports" to be selected.
let select_cat = $("select#cat_select").select2();
What I have tried
$("#cat_select").val([data.title]).trigger("change"); //which doesn't work for some reason
This was my solution. I had to destroy the select2
, then added the values (array) to the select, and re-initialised it.