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SQL Server and allocate time into hour parts


Ambulances and fire trucks have the dispatch time when an emergency occurred and a clear time for when the emergency was declared over.

For example: an emergency (EventID = fire0001) occurs at 10:45:00 and ends at 11:30:00.

Another emergency event (EventID = fire0002) starts at 11:50:00 and ends at 13:10:00


I would like to parse the amount of time from the start to the end and place it into the hour parts when it occurs. For example; fire0001 starts at 10:45 and ends at 11:30.

I would like the results to show 15 minutes in the 10 hour part and 30 minutes in the 11 hour part.

eventID    HourOfDay    Minutes forThisHourPart
fire0001       10              15
fire0001       11              30

This information is useful for ambulance planning to determine the utilization for each hour of the day.

How can I calculate the amount of time spent per hour given a start time and an end time?.

CREATE TABLE tempFireEvents
    StartDateTime DATETIME NOT NULL,

INSERT INTO tempFireEvents
    ('fire0001', 'november 1, 2018 10:45:00', 'november 1, 2108 11:30:00'),
    ('fire0002', 'november 1, 2018 11:50:00', 'november 1, 2018 13:10:00'),
    ('fire0003', 'november 1, 2018 13:20:00', 'november 1, 2108 14:20:00'),
    ('fire0004', 'november 1, 2018 15:25:00', 'november 1, 2018 16:05:00'),
    ('fire0005', 'november 1, 2018 16:20:00', 'november 1, 2018 16:50:00');

--SELECT EventID, StartDateTime, EndDateTime FROM tempFireEvents;


  • I believe this accomplishes what you want:

    DECLARE @tempFireEvents TABLE
        EventID VARCHAR(8) NOT NULL,
        StartDateTime DATETIME NOT NULL,
        EndDateTime DATETIME NOT NULL
    INSERT INTO @tempFireEvents
        ('fire0001', 'november 1, 2018 10:45:00', 'november 1, 2108 11:30:00'),
        ('fire0002', 'november 1, 2018 11:50:00', 'november 1, 2018 13:10:00'),
        ('fire0003', 'november 1, 2018 13:20:00', 'november 1, 2108 14:20:00'),
        ('fire0004', 'november 1, 2018 15:25:00', 'november 1, 2018 16:05:00'),
        ('fire0005', 'november 1, 2018 16:20:00', 'november 1, 2018 16:50:00')
    ;WITH AllHours AS
        SELECT 1 AS hourInt
        UNION ALL
        SELECT hourInt+1
        FROM AllHours
        WHERE hourInt<23
    ), Combined AS
            SELECT T.EventID,
                   CASE WHEN DATEPART(HOUR,T.StartDateTime)=H.hourInt THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS isStart,
                   CASE WHEN DATEPART(HOUR,T.EndDateTime)=H.hourInt THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS isEnd,
            FROM @tempFireEvents T
            JOIN AllHours H ON H.hourInt BETWEEN DATEPART(HOUR,T.StartDateTime) AND DATEPART(HOUR,T.EndDateTime)
    --SELECT * FROM Combined
    SELECT EventID,
           CASE WHEN isStart=1 AND isEnd=0 THEN 60-DATEPART(MINUTE,StartDateTime)
                WHEN isStart=0 AND isEnd=1 THEN DATEPART(MINUTE,EndDateTime)
                WHEN isStart=1 AND isEnd=1 THEN DATEPART(MINUTE,EndDateTime)-DATEPART(MINUTE,StartDateTime)
                ELSE 60
           END AS minutesForHour
    FROM Combined


    EventID     hourInt     minutesForHour
    fire0001    10          15
    fire0001    11          30
    fire0002    11          10
    fire0002    12          60
    fire0002    13          10
    fire0003    13          40
    fire0003    14          20
    fire0004    15          35
    fire0004    16          5
    fire0005    16          30

    As mentioned in the comments, the way you are storing your EventID is far from optimal. A better approach is to assign a "type" to each event such as:

    DECLARE @EventType TABLE 
        Id INT,
        EventType NVARCHAR(50)
    INSERT INTO @EventType
        (2,'Public Awareness'),
        (3,'Cat in a Tree'),
        (4,'Motor Vehicle Accident')
    DECLARE @tempFireEvents TABLE
        EventID INT IDENTITY (1,1) NOT NULL,
        EventTypeID INT NOT NULL,
        StartDateTime DATETIME NOT NULL,
        EndDateTime DATETIME NOT NULL
    INSERT INTO @tempFireEvents (EventTypeID,StartDateTime,EndDateTime)
        (1, 'november 1, 2018 10:45:00', 'november 1, 2108 11:30:00'),
        (2, 'november 1, 2018 11:50:00', 'november 1, 2018 13:10:00'),
        (4, 'november 1, 2018 13:20:00', 'november 1, 2108 14:20:00'),
        (1, 'november 1, 2018 15:25:00', 'november 1, 2018 16:05:00'),
        (3, 'november 1, 2018 16:20:00', 'november 1, 2018 16:50:00')
    ;WITH AllHours AS
        SELECT 1 AS hourInt
        UNION ALL
        SELECT hourInt+1
        FROM AllHours
        WHERE hourInt<23
    ), Combined AS
            SELECT T.EventID,
                   CASE WHEN DATEPART(HOUR,T.StartDateTime)=H.hourInt THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS isStart,
                   CASE WHEN DATEPART(HOUR,T.EndDateTime)=H.hourInt THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS isEnd,
            FROM @tempFireEvents T
            JOIN AllHours H ON H.hourInt BETWEEN DATEPART(HOUR,T.StartDateTime) AND DATEPART(HOUR,T.EndDateTime)
    --SELECT * FROM Combined
    SELECT C.EventID,
           CASE WHEN C.isStart=1 AND C.isEnd=0 THEN 60-DATEPART(MINUTE,C.StartDateTime)
                WHEN C.isStart=0 AND C.isEnd=1 THEN DATEPART(MINUTE,C.EndDateTime)
                WHEN C.isStart=1 AND C.isEnd=1 THEN DATEPART(MINUTE,C.EndDateTime)-DATEPART(MINUTE,C.StartDateTime)
                ELSE 60
           END AS minutesForHour
    FROM Combined C
    Join @EventType t ON C.EventTypeID=T.Id
    ORDER BY C.EventID, C.hourInt


    EventID EventType               hourInt minutesForHour
    1       Fire                    10      15
    1       Fire                    11      30
    2       Public Awareness        11      10
    2       Public Awareness        12      60
    2       Public Awareness        13      10
    3       Motor Vehicle Accident  13      40
    3       Motor Vehicle Accident  14      20
    4       Fire                    15      35
    4       Fire                    16      5
    5       Cat in a Tree           16      30