Can you make a script(bash) for moving all the files with the ending *.512.png to a new folder like res512(will be new branch) (keeping all the subfolders) for this repo I tried really long but I can't figure it out.
You're not very specific with what you're asking.
If you want to move all files that have the suffix .512.png
from within your current directory to a new directory, you can use the following
mkdir res512
cp -r *.512.png res512/
If you want to move all files that have the suffix .512.png
from within your directory and all child directories into a new directory, you can use
mkdir res512
for f in $(find -type f -name "*.512.png")
cp $f res512/
If you want to move all files that have the suffix .512.png
including their directory structure into a new directory, you can use
find . -name '*.512.png' -exec cp --parents \{\} res512/ \;
if you want to move the files instead of copy them.