I am using Ionic 4's ion-search like so:
[cancelButtonText]="options.cancelButtonText == null ? defaultOpts.cancelButtonText : options.cancelButtonText"
[showCancelButton]="options.showCancelButton == null ? defaultOpts.showCancelButton : options.showCancelButton"
[debounce]="options.debounce == null ? defaultOpts.debounce : options.debounce"
[placeholder]="options.placeholder == null ? defaultOpts.placeholder : options.placeholder"
[autocomplete]="options.autocomplete == null ? defaultOpts.autocomplete : options.autocomplete"
[autocorrect]="options.autocorrect == null ? defaultOpts.autocorrect : options.autocorrect"
[spellcheck]="options.spellcheck == null ? defaultOpts.spellcheck : options.spellcheck"
[type]="options.type == null ? defaultOpts.type : options.type"
[ngClass]="{'hidden': useIonInput}"
On click I run the following from within the component:
@HostListener('document:click', ['$event'])
private documentClickHandler(event) {
if ((this.searchbarElem
&& !this.searchbarElem._elementRef.nativeElement.contains(event.target))
(!this.inputElem && this.inputElem._elementRef.nativeElement.contains(event.target))
) {
However, I am getting the following error:
ERROR TypeError: Cannot read property 'nativeElement' of undefined
I have tried setting timeouts and declaring searchbarElem as ElementRef
with no luck.
I know this worked in Angular 2/Ionic 2 but now it is not. Did something change or is the shadow dom affecting thing? Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
You should use ViewChild
with the read: ElementRef
metadata property:
@ViewChild("searchbarElem", { read: ElementRef }) private searchbarElem: ElementRef;
and access the HTMLElement with this.searchbarElem.nativeElement
@HostListener('document:click', ['$event'])
private documentClickHandler(event) {
See this stackblitz for a demo (see the code in the Home page).