Does anyone know how to change the colour of #region/#endregion? This is greyish in VS Community but not on VS Code.
Thank you in advance.
Because the terms #region/#endregion are part of a comment, looking at their scopes with the command Developer: Inspect TM Scopes
gives you only a comment
scope so if you change the comment scope by the following tokenColorCustomization:
"editor.tokenColorCustomizations": {
"comments": "#ffa600b0"
will change all comments - probably not what you want. Plus you can only change the fontColor and fontStyle (like italics) there.
Better is using the extension Highlight to find, via a regex, what you want to highlight.
Using //#region
- your language may have different comment indicators at the start. If so, modify the first capture group (//\\s*)
"highlight.regexes": {
"(//\\s*)(#region|#endregion)": [
// the first capture group, the '//' uncolored here, but must have the entry below
// you could color those separately if you wish
// capture group: #region or #endregion
// "overviewRulerColor": "#ffcc00",
"backgroundColor": "#f00",
"color": "#fff",
// "fontWeight": "bold",
"borderRadius": "3px",