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Changing font size of colorbar TickLabels in Matlab automatically

How can I change font size of colorbar TickLabels in Matlab automatically? I know I can change the font using

c = colorbar;
c.Label.String = 'string';

But couldn't find how to change the fontsize of ticks.

Font size of labels is increased but not the ticklables


  • You may be referring to the thickness of the ticks, which you can change with the property


    or you can change the font size of the ticks with


    There are a lot of other properties you can play with, in 2018b specifically, these are the modifiable properties and their default values:

            AxisLocation: 'out'
        AxisLocationMode: 'auto'
            BeingDeleted: 'off'
                     Box: 'on'
              BusyAction: 'queue'
           ButtonDownFcn: ''
                Children: [0×0 GraphicsPlaceholder]
                   Color: [0.1500 0.1500 0.1500]
               CreateFcn: ''
               DeleteFcn: ''
               Direction: 'normal'
               FontAngle: 'normal'
                FontName: 'Helvetica'
                FontSize: 9
              FontWeight: 'normal'
        HandleVisibility: 'on'
                 HitTest: 'on'
           Interruptible: 'off'
                   Label: [1×1 Text]
                  Limits: [0 1]
              LimitsMode: 'auto'
               LineWidth: 0.5000
                Location: 'eastoutside'
                  Parent: [1×1 Figure]
           PickableParts: 'visible'
                Position: [0.8307 0.1095 0.0381 0.8167]
                Selected: 'off'
      SelectionHighlight: 'on'
                     Tag: 'Colorbar'
           TickDirection: 'in'
    TickLabelInterpreter: 'tex'
              TickLabels: {11×1 cell}
          TickLabelsMode: 'auto'
              TickLength: 0.0100
                   Ticks: [0 0.1000 0.2000 0.3000 0.4000 0.5000 0.6000 0.7000 0.8000 0.9000 1]
               TicksMode: 'auto'
                    Type: 'colorbar'
           UIContextMenu: [1×1 ContextMenu]
                   Units: 'normalized'
                UserData: []
                 Visible: 'on'

    If its not here, you can not change it.