I have this code that I wrote in MATLAB to store matrices. I was using cells array, but in Python I don't know how to do this.
Would someone know how can I do this?
The MATLAB code is:
S =[0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1]; % distância entre tx e rx[m]
d = 0.2*ones(1,10);
h = [ 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4]
n_cam = length(d); % numero de camadas
n_alt = length(h); % numero de alturas
n_S = length(S); % numero de receptores
z = zeros(n_cam,n_alt); % profundidade
Rv_h = zeros(n_S,n_alt);
Rv_v = zeros(n_S,n_alt);
Rv = zeros(n_cam,n_alt);
Rh = zeros(n_cam,n_alt);
S_Rv = cell(1,n_S);
S_Rh = cell(1,n_S);
sigma = 0.3*ones(1,n_cam);
sigmaah = zeros(n_S,n_alt);
for i = 1:n_S
for j = 1:n_alt
for k = 1:n_cam
z(k,j)= (sum(d(1:k))+h(j))/S(i);
Rv(k,j) = 1/((4*z(k,j)^2+1)^0.5);
Rh(k,j) = ((4*z(k,j)^2+1)^0.5)-2*z(k,j);
Rv_h(i,j) = 1/((4*(h(j)/S(i))^2+1)^0.5);
S_Rv(:,i) = {Rv}; % z para cada camada em cada altura, para cada S
S_Rh(:,i) = {Rh};
for i = 1:n_S
for j = 1:n_alt
Rv = cell2mat(S_Rv(1,i));
Rh = cell2mat(S_Rh(1,i));
sigma_ah = sigma(1)*(Rh_h(i,j)-Rh(1,j));
sigma_av = sigma(1)*(Rv_h(i,j)-Rv(1,j));
for k = 2:(n_cam-1)
sigma_ah_ant = sigma_ah;
sigma_av_ant = sigma_av;
sigma_ah = sigma_ah_ant + sigma(k)*(Rh(k-1,j)-Rh(k,j));
sigma_av = sigma_av_ant + sigma(k)*(Rv(k-1,j)-Rv(k,j));
sigmaah (i,j) = sigma_ah + sigma(end)*Rh(n_cam-1,j)
sigmaav (i,j) = sigma_av + sigma(end)*Rv(n_cam-1,j)
I was thinking that in Python I could do something like:
n_S = 4
n_alt = 9
n_cam = 6
Rv =[]
for i in range(1,n_S):
for j in range(1,n_alt):
for k in range(1,n_cam):
z[k][j]= (sum(d[0:k])+h[j])/S[i]
Rv[i][j][k] = 1/((4*z[k,j]**2+1)**0.5)
But it is not working, the error message I get is
list index out of range.
I would suggest taking use of the broadcasting feature
The loops can then be replaced to clarify the code :
from numpy import array, ones
S =array([0.5, 0.7, 0.9, 1.1])
d = 0.2*ones((10));
h = array([ 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4])
z = ((d.cumsum()[:, None] + h).ravel() / S[:, None]).reshape((S.size, d.size, h.size))
Rv = 1 / (4 * z ** 2 + 1)** .5
# ...etc
Which outputs:
[[0.93979342 0.87789557 0.80873608 0.73994007 0.67572463]
[0.80873608 0.73994007 0.67572463 0.61782155 0.56652882]
[0.67572463 0.61782155 0.56652882 0.52145001 0.48191875]
[0.56652882 0.52145001 0.48191875 0.4472136 0.41665471]
[0.48191875 0.4472136 0.41665471 0.38963999 0.36565237]
[0.41665471 0.38963999 0.36565237 0.34425465 0.32507977]
[0.36565237 0.34425465 0.32507977 0.30782029 0.29221854]
[0.32507977 0.30782029 0.29221854 0.27805808 0.26515648]
[0.29221854 0.27805808 0.26515648 0.25335939 0.24253563]
[0.26515648 0.25335939 0.24253563 0.23257321 0.22337616]]
Which overlaps with the computation in octave/matlab:
Rv =
0.93979 0.87790 0.80874 0.73994 0.67572
0.80874 0.73994 0.67572 0.61782 0.56653
0.67572 0.61782 0.56653 0.52145 0.48192
0.56653 0.52145 0.48192 0.44721 0.41665
0.48192 0.44721 0.41665 0.38964 0.36565
0.41665 0.38964 0.36565 0.34425 0.32508
0.36565 0.34425 0.32508 0.30782 0.29222
0.32508 0.30782 0.29222 0.27806 0.26516
0.29222 0.27806 0.26516 0.25336 0.24254
0.26516 0.25336 0.24254 0.23257 0.22338
This reduces the pyramid of doom and is probably faster than the for-loops due to numpy magic. Edit: formatting Edit2: gave check