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Securing Twitter Webhook

As mentioned in Twitter Docs Steps to validate a request

  1. Create a hash using your consumer secret and incoming payload body.
  2. Compare created hash with the base64 encoded x-twitter-webhooks-signature value.

Here is my code for doing so:

const buffer = Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(ctx.request.body))
const expectedHash = crypto.createHmac('sha256', TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET).update(buffer).digest('base64')

The x-twitter-webhooks-signature header from twitter and the hash generated does not match. Also, the post at says that it's JSON.stringify() issue. I'm using koa and koa-body, how can I fix the hash mismatch?


  • Found a solution. Used koa-bodyparser instead of koa-body then sha256 of ctx.request.rawBody matches with the header.