I'am using subscriptions in my application and it is working perfectly during testing. However, I didn't find a way to get user subscription history for all transactions.
-User subscribed to product id "sub1" for 3 months. (purchaseToken : "X")
-User canceled subscription for same product id "sub1"
-User resubscribed for same product id (purchaseToken : "Y")
In this scenario when querying queryPurchaseHistoryAsync() function it is returning only latest purchase. Also when using this [API][https://developers.google.com/android-publisher/api-ref/purchases/subscriptions/get] it returns only information of a specific purchase token ("Y" retreived from queryPurchaseHistoryAsync()).
Is there any other way to get user subscriptions history (Detailed transactions)
Any help would be greatly appreciated
After a lot of searching it turned out that there is no API that returns detailed transactions of specific subscription.