I have problem with nativescript background service. I want to write application with background service. The service must be always run in background, even when the application will be stoped and closed.
I have used nativescript-android-utils for android intent services, but the service stops working after application closes. I have also tried to register broadcast receiver according to this but the result is same: when app is closed, the service also stops working.
I want to write gps tracker background service and that's why I need to be the service always running in background.
Service code:
declare var com: any;
export class Test extends com.pip3r4o.android.app.IntentService {
protected onHandleIntent(intent: android.content.Intent): void {
geolocation.enableLocationRequest().then(function() {
this.watchId = geolocation.watchLocation(
(loc) => {
if (loc) {
const toast = Toast.makeText("Background Location: " + loc.latitude + " " + loc.longitude);
console.log("Background Location: " + loc.latitude + " " + loc.longitude);
(e) => {
console.log("Background watchLocation error: " + (e.message || e));
desiredAccuracy: Accuracy.high,
updateDistance: 0.1,
updateTime: 3000,
minimumUpdateTime: 100
}, (e) => {
console.log("Background enableLocationRequest error: " + (e.message || e));
Starting service with
const context = application.android.context;
const intent = new android.content.Intent();
intent.setClassName(context, "org.nativescript.PresleyApp.Test");
So here is how I did my service,
import * as timer from "timer";
class DataSyncService extends android.app.Service {
private timerId: number;
onBind(): android.os.IBinder {
return null;
onCreate(): void {
if (!this.timerId) {
this.timerId = timer.setInterval(()=> {
// Run this every 4 hrs
}, (1000 * 60 * 60 * 4));
onStartCommand(intent: android.content.Intent, flags: number, startId: number): number {
return android.app.Service.START_STICKY;
onDestroy(): void {
Returning START_STICKY from onStartCommand
makes the system to restart the service when the process (app) is killed.