Trying to add a compositeDisposable. using the code that follows:
.filter { s -> s.toLowerCase().startsWith("c") }
.map(object : Function<String, String>()
fun apply(s: String): String
return s.toUpperCase()
However, I get the following error:
Type inference failed: fun map(p0: Function!): Observable!
cannot be applied to
Type mismatch: inferred type is but Function! was expected
One type argument expected for interface Function
I would expect it to be as simple as:
.map { it.toUpperCase() }
Instead of
.map(object : Function<String, String>()
fun apply(s: String): String
return s.toUpperCase()
But anyway you're probably not using io.reactivex.functions.Function
, hence the error. If you really don't want to use a lambda then:
.map(object : io.reactivex.functions.Function<String, String> {
override fun apply(t: String): String {
return t.toUpperCase()
Or just import io.reactivex.functions.Function
and then use Function