I'm using Power bi service along with power bi desktop version. What I'd like is to spend less time on setting up UI for my charts.
Let's say I have multiple accounts with power bi datasets in them (hybrid dataset to be able to display data in real-time).
Currently I have to create report on each of them, set up charts etc. I expected to create pbix file once and then just publish it to different accounts. But when it comes to reports bound with power bi datasets, it is no longer possible. Even if account already has exactly the same hybrid dataset.
Any ideas on how to implement portable reports?
If I got your point correctly, you have multiple accounts and in each of them you have the same dataset. You want to create open report, which you will publish to all of these accounts. I do not understand why do you need to create a new report for each of your accounts. Why not just change the data source of your report prior publishing it to each of these accounts?
Also it is not clear, how these datasets are created. I think there are two possible options here - these datasets are published with your report, or they are existing datasets not published with this report.
In the first case, just design your report, getting data from your database, and publish the report in each of your accounts. You could change the data source prior every publishing, if your different accounts/datasets should get data from different databases.
In the second case, when you design your report, do not get data from the database, but connect the report to the Power BI Service itself:
and pick the existing dataset:
Before each publish change the account you are logged in, change the data source of the report and select the dataset from the corresponding account. This way when publishing the report, the dataset will not be overwritten, but will be shared between this report and any other report who uses it.
To change the data source of your report, in the drop down of "Edit Queries" button, select "Data source settings" and then click "Change Source..." button.
In both ways you will design your report only once, but it will be published in different accounts using different data.