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wss url from rtm.start gives cannot create connection error

I am a newbie and trying to integrate my app with slack. I am using wss url that we get in the response from rtm.start and tried establishing connection through simple JS code and in response to it I get following error

{isTrusted: true, data: "{"type":"error","error":{"msg":"Cannot create connection","code":3,"source":"gs-bom-bcfd"}}", origin: "wss://", lastEventId: "", source: null, …}

when I use the wss url from response in tester tab of the following link it works fine and I start getting events.

js code that I used is as below

var ws = new WebSocket("wss URL");
ws.onopen = function(event) {
  console.log("WebSocket is open now.");
ws.onmessage = function(event) {
  console.log("WebSocket message received:", event);

Note: I have been using same authentication token from both the places, So no difference in application scope.

can someone guide me on this what's wrong with this? Thanks in advance.


  • I found the reason for this issue that might help others too if they are stuck with any similar situation.

    I am using the slack package from npm for integration to my react app and in the slack package in node_modules, it already is creating a socket connection in rtm.client-browser file so when I try to create connection from my code it gives error as already a connection using same wss url has been requested by slack.

    do check networks tab for any duplicate connection requests.