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fpdf 1.81 with php-7 running on linux

I develop an application and the generation of the PDF on Windows walks (works) very well. Yesterday I wanted to test my application on Linux, I use Lamp who turns on PHP 7. When I launch the generation of the PDF here is the message that I obtain:

**Severity: 8192

Message: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; FPDF has a deprecated constructor

Filename: php/fpdf.php

Line Num

ber: 12**

Can someone help me?



  • I think I got your answer...

    // instead of "$doc = new PDF();" use "$doc = new FPDF();"
    $doc = new FPDF('P', 'mm', array(100,150));
    $doc -> AddPage();
    $doc -> SetFont('Arial','B', 16);
    $doc -> MultiCell(40,10, 'hello word!');
    $doc -> OutPut('F', 'folio.pdf');