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Azure Container Instance Can't Connect to Internet (outbound http GET request failed)

I have an Azure Container Instance created from the base image microsoft/windowsservercore:ltsc2016. The image has mercurial installed and checks out a private repo using hg clone but fails with the result abort: error: getaddrinfo failed. When run on my workstation using Docker for Windows, the container successfully checks out the repo.

I believe this is a network connectivity issue, because if I run powershell Invoke-WebRequest the container also logs an error that the request could not be completed due to failure to connect to the server.


  • The Windows container on ACI has a known issue about the out-bound network. It is suggested to add a retry logic on any network request or add a 30 seconds' delay before you start your application.

    The issue only impacts the Windows Server 2016. It is fixed in Windows Server 2019. Once ACI adapts WS2019, the workaround will be no longer needed.