I have computed the bins of my data x values and also the median of each bin corresponding to a y value. Below is a sample of my data I used to compute:
My code:
hist1, bins1 = np.histogram(x)
medians_1 = pd.Series(y).groupby(pd.cut(x, bins1)).median()
hist = [129, 126, 94, 133, 179, 206, 142, 147, 90, 185]
bins = [0., 0.09999926, 0.19999853, 0.29999779, 0.39999706,
0.49999632, 0.59999559, 0.69999485, 0.79999412, 0.8999933,
medians_1 = [ 14.42145 14.428275 14.427865 14.42535 14.42613
14.430235 14.441055 14.43472 14.424155 14.4187 ]
I am wondering how I can plot the median values for each associated "bin"?
I tried to plot a scatter plot but I only have the median values and not any x axis values. Also, I can not plot the medians vs. the original x values because they are not the same size.
You could plot the median against the bin centers. The center of each bin can be calculated using this
import numpy as np
bin_center = (np.asarray(bins[1:])+np.asarray(bins[:-1]))/2