I have a service client that I call which returns a bunch of instance variables. I call this in a method which is called inside another method to return a response
I want my method to return a specific one like so
def returnsAlias
model = ClientGem.find(id) #finds a bunch of instance variables by id
model.alias #returns @alias
In my spec I have
allow(ClientGem).to receive(:find).and_return('Test Alias')
I'm not sure what to replace 'Test Alias' with. I tried @alias and using
@alias.instance_variable_set(:@alias, 'Test Alias')
But this returns this error
can't modify frozen NilClass
Simply stub out the object itself.
model = instance_double(ClientGemReturnedKlass, alias: 'Test Alias')
allow(ClientGem).to receive(:find).and_return(model)