After installing anaconda3 5.2 I install boost with conda install boost.
In C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\Library\lib there are two sets of libraries for boost.
boost_python36-vc140-mt-x64-1_67.lib (177 KB)
libboost_python36-vc140-mt-x64-1_67.lib (5576 KB)
what is the difference between these? Is one static and one dynamic?
Refer this link for naming understanding of those libraries.
The one started with "lib" is
Prefix: except on Microsoft Windows, every Boost library name begins with this string. On Windows, only ordinary static libraries use the lib prefix; import libraries and DLLs do not.
So it is a static library (libboost_python36-vc140-mt-x64-1_67.lib).
The other one is not with lib prefix, is import library (boost_python36-vc140-mt-x64-1_67.lib ).
Here is a good explanation about import library .