Just started out with Tinkerpop and Janusgraph, and I'm trying to figure this out based on the documentation.
But first I need a way to get the data into Janusgraph.
Possibly there exist scripts for this. But otherwise, is it perhaps something to be written in python, to open a csv file, get each row of a variable X, and add this as a vertex/edge/etc. ...? Or am I completely misinterpreting Janusgraph/Tinkerpop?
Thanks for any help in advance.
Say I have a few files, each of which contain a few million rows, representing people, and several variables, representing different metrics. A first example could look like thid:
metric_1 metric_2 metric_3 ..
person_1 a e i
person_2 b f j
person_3 c g k
person_4 d h l
Should I translate this to files with nodes that are in the first place made up of just the values, [a,..., l]. (and later perhaps more elaborate sets of properties)
And are [a,..., l] then indexed?
The 'Modern' graph here seems to have an index (number 1,...,12 for all the nodes and edges, independent of their overlapping label/category), e.g. should each measurement be indexed separately and then linked to a given person_x to which they belong?
Apologies for these probably straightforward questions, but I'm fairly new to this.
JanusGraph uses pluggable storage backends and indexs. For testing purposes, a script called bin/janusgraph.sh
is packaged with the distribution. It allows to quickly get up and running by starting Cassandra and Elasticsearch (it also starts a gremlin-server but we won't use it)
cd /path/to/janus
bin/janusgraph.sh start
Then I would recommend loading your data using a Groovy script. Groovy scripts can be executed with the Gremlin console
bin/gremlin.sh -e scripts/load_data.script
An efficient way to load the data is to split it into two files:
and target_id
and all the links attributes This might require some data preparation steps.
Here is an example script
The trick to speed up the process is to keep a mapping between your id and the id created by JanusGraph during the creation of the nodes.
Even if it is not mandatory, I strongly recommend you to create an explicit schema for your graph before loading any data. Here is an example script