Trying to use the query in the endpoint. The query was created in SPARQL. The error coming like
Encountered " "<" "< "" at line 1, column 15.
Was expecting:
<IRIref> ...
PREFIX rdfs: <>
SELECT ?Class ?Title ?Definition
?Value rdfs:label ?Class
FILTER regex(?Class, "Motion") .
?def rdfs:domain ?Value .
?def rdfs:label ?Title .
?def rdfs:comment ?Definition}
The url
PREFIX rdfs: <>
SELECT ?Class ?Title ?Definition
?Value rdfs:label ?Class
FILTER regex(?Class, "Motion") .
?def rdfs:domain ?Value .
?def rdfs:label ?Title .
?def rdfs:comment ?Definition
I took your original query, URL-encoded it with one of many services and tools you might use, randomly selected from a web search, and appended it to the start of what you had as "the URL", http://localhost:3030/skosmos/query?query=
... and you verified that this worked --