I have two query strings: ?page and ?p. I'm using a slug as a link on these query strings, example: ?p/?page=slug-link . And these links is accessible only if it have the entry_type
especified on the ternary operator below. I was working with only two types of entry_type
and it was working perfectly, but now i need to add +1 type of entry_type
I'm trying to do it with the following code:
$Q = !empty($_GET['post']);
$slug = 'home';
if ($Q) {
$slug = $_GET['post'];
} elseif (!empty($_GET['p'])) {
$slug = $_GET['p'];
try {
$stmt = $conn->prepare('SELECT `id`, `title`, `description`, `img`, `alt`, `keywords`, `art`, `slug_url`, `slug_link`, `entry_type` FROM table_tudo WHERE `slug_link` = :slug_link AND `entry_type` = :entry_type');
':entry_type' => ($Q) ? ('entry1') : (('entry2') ? ('entry2') : ('entry3')),
':slug_link' => $slug
if (!$NF = $stmt->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Title ' . htmlentities($title, \ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8', false) . ' not found in database');
$id = $NF['id'];
$title = $shareTitle = $NF['title'];
$description = $shareDescription = $NF['description'];
$shareImg = $NF['img'];
$alt = $NF['alt'];
$keywords = $NF['keywords'];
$art = $NF['art'];
$ogUrl = $urlCanonical = $NF['slug_url'];
$slug = $NF['slug_link'];
$entry_type = $NF['entry_type'];
} catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) {
header('Location: index.php?p=home');
} catch (\Exception $e) {
header('Location: error.php?e=Oops an error occurred');
throw $e;
function sanitize($data, $filter = \FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING) {
if ($data = filter_var(trim($data), $filter)) {
$data = preg_replace('/http(s)?:\/\//', '', $data);
return $data;
$loadPage = null;
if ($sanitizedName = sanitize($Q ? $title : $slug)) {
$loadPageSuffix = ($Q ? '/myDirectory/' : '/page_');
$loadPage = __DIR__ . $loadPageSuffix . $name . '.php';
if (null === $loadPage || !is_file($loadPage)) {
header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found');
require_once 'load.php';
<?php require_once $loadPage; ?>
I also use this code to have some global variables.
Old version of ':entry_type' => ($Q) ? ('entry1') : (('entry2') ? ('entry2') : ('entry3')),
was: ':entry_type' => $Q ? 'entry1' : 'entry2',
the old version was working. And I'm having a hard time trying to change this ternary operator.
Before, i had two entry_types
: entry1
and entry2
. But i need to add a entry3
to the query string ?post
. And the entry3
will be accessible on the directory /myDirectory/
Could someone help me?
I would agree with Frederico, if it is not readable when you review in the future you wont know whats happening. I'd also suggest switch case but why not remove ternary and use
if ( $Q ) {
} elseif ( $Q2 ) {
} else {
then use ':entry_type' => $entry
indeed 'entry2' would always return true (slaps back of head)