I am new to Pycharm, and Python as a whole, and for my first project I decided to do a random name/object selector which chooses a name from a pre-made variable of letters and prints that result. I wanted to expand on this and have the user either use the default names in the code or add their own names to be used. I gave it my best effort but when it came to the script running 1 of two functions I was unable to figure out how to do that. Any help?
import string
import random
import os
letters = 'wjsdc' #*Default letters*
choice = random.choice(letters)
decision = input("Hello, use default? y/n")
print("You have chosen " + decision + ", Running function.")
def generator():
if decision == "y": #*Default function*
choice = random.choice(letters)
print("Name chosen is " + generator())
elif decision == "n": #*Attempted new function*
new_name1 = input("Please add a name")
new_name2 = input("Please add a name")
new_name3 = input("Please add a name")
new_name4 = input("Please add a name")
new_name5 = input("Please add a name")
if choice == "w":
finalname = new_name1
elif choice == "j":
finalname = new_name2
elif choice == "s":
finalname = new_name3
elif choice == "c":
finalname = new_name4
elif choice == "d":
finalname = new_name5
name = finalname
return name
print("Name chosen is " + name)
def generator(): #*Default function script*
if choice == "w":
finalname = "Wade"
elif choice == "j":
finalname = "Jack"
elif choice == "s":
finalname = "Scott"
elif choice == "d":
finalname = "Dan"
elif choice == "c":
finalname = "Conall"
name = finalname
return name
print("Name chosen is " + generator())
Your code is pretty weird, and I'm not sure what you are trying to achieve.
; you should give them different namesI'd suggest using something like this:
import random
def generate_name():
names = "Wade", "Jack", "Scott", "Dan", "Conall"
decision = input("Use default names? Y/n ")
if decision == "n":
print("Please enter 5 names")
names = [input() for _ in range(5)]
return random.choice(names)
print("Name chosen is " + generate_name())