I am performing aggregation on employees table to fetch some hostel details with projection like
$query = ['_id' => new MongoDB\BSON\ObjectID($this->EmployeeId)];
$pipeline = array(
['$match' => $query],
[ '$addFields'=> [
'assigned_master_keys'=> [
'$cond'=> [
'if'=> [
'$ne'=> [ [ '$type'=> '$assigned_master_keys' ], 'array' ]
'then'=> [],
'else'=> '$assigned_master_keys'
['$unwind'=> '$assigned_master_keys'],
['$lookup' => [
'from' => 'HostelTbl',
'let' => [ 'hostelid' => '$assigned_master_keys.hostel_id' ],
'pipeline' => [
['$match' => [ '$expr'=> [ '$eq' => [ '$_id', '$$hostelid' ]]]],
['$project' => [ 'Name'=> 1, 'MasterKeyDetails' => 1, '_id'=> 1]]
'as' => 'assigned_master_keys.hostel_id'
$this->collection = $this->db->EmployeesTbl;
$cursor = $this->collection->aggregate($pipeline);
The above code works fine for those employees where embedded document with name "assigned_master_keys" exists but not for those where "assigned_master_keys" does not exists. The page breaks. If I remove unwind from the above code, the page does not break but it does not fetch hostel data either.
Please help!!!
Use $unwind
with preserveNullAndEmptyArrays
['$unwind'=> ['path' => '$assigned_master_keys', 'preserveNullAndEmptyArrays' => true ]]